Car routes Crete
Here you can find some of our carefully selected car routes. You will be able to discover the nicest places on Crete, if you have rented a car. With our car routes you can learn some nice things about Crete: flora and fauna, landscapes, cultural villages, old churches, monasteries, tavernas and restaurants, amazing beaches, snorkel locations, walking area’s, etc.
Maps and GPS
We have maps with directions which you can get from us. You can also take a GPS with you. We have those GPS preprogrammed with the routes we have to offer. The GPS is user friendly, so everyone can use it.

Car routes and puzzel tours
We offer different car routes over whole Crete. Every route is between 50 and 300 kilometer. In the summer we organise puzzel tours with those car routes. Using GPS and car routes the teams have to search for the questions and awnser them. In the afternoon we will have a lunch somewhere on a nice place.

Car routes with mountain bike or scooter
If you rent a mountain bike or a scooter its also possible to drive some of our carefully selected routes. Some of our routes are also ease to drive with a scooter or even with a mountain bike. Also with the scooter or the mountain bike you can drive the route with a GPS.
If you would like more information about a holiday in Crete, we will be happy to assist you. Send an email to and we will answer you personally as soon as possible.